So undercover movie
So undercover movie

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#So undercover movie movie

The only redeeming aspect of the movie is the tender and close relationship between Molly and her father - but that gets overwhelmed by the SO, like, ridiculous depiction of college life. FBI Agent Armon Ranford (Jeremy Piven) is working a case against the Georgian mafia and he needs her to watch over college girl Alex Patrone (Lauren McKnight). Bowman, who stars on ABC's primetime soap Revenge, is handsome enough, but the romance between he and Cyrus is forced. The Bottom Line Smart and steamy screwball fun. Molly Morris (Miley Cyrus) is a private investigator working with her dad ex-Dallas cop Sam (Mike O'Malley). Piven and O'Malley are wasted in the film, so it's no real loss that they phone in their performances.

so undercover movie

It's not that Cyrus is the only weak link in the story: the plot is predictable, the characterizations either flat or completely unbelievable (one co-ed is a chemistry major but doesn't know the definition of some basic words), and even the "twist" can be deciphered halfway through the movie. But that campus comedy starred a young James McAvoy, Benedict Cumberbatch, Dominic Cooper and Alice Eve. Scottish director Tom Vaughan has made four very different movies - from the weepy sick-kid drama Extreme Measures to the outlandish romantic comedy What Happens in Vegas - and So Undercover had the potential of living up to his entertaining debut feature, Starter for 10, which also followed an eccentric group of college kids. Molly has to be tutored in lingo like "amazeballs," resulting in her saying "Your balls are amazing" by mistake.So Undercover hinges on the very limited acting talents of Cyrus, who has proven once again (as with LOL) that she's not ready or able to carry a movie. Tomboy: Molly before She Cleans Up Nicely.Even more noticeable is Lauren McKnight (Alex), the girl Molly is supposed to protect.Sir Not-Appearing-in-This-Trailer: Megan Park (Cotton) is noticeably absent from the poster despite having more screen time and lines than Kelly Osbourne (Becky) or Eloise Mumford (Sasha).The first two are hiding something Talloway is FBI, Sasha was an ugly unpopular kid in high school while the third was framed by the real villain. When the FBI hires her to go undercover at a college sorority, Molly Morris (Miley Cyrus) must transform herself from a tough, streetwise private investigator to a refined, sophisticated university girl to help protect the daughter of a one-time Mobster. Red Herring: Professor Talloway, Sasha and Nicholas at different points. So Undercover (movie, 2012) So Undercover.And then she immediately declares she's not using that accent but she'd worked on it all last year. Not Even Bothering with the Accent: Becky using a Texan accent for all on one line.Genius Ditz: Cotton is a total airhead in everything except chemistry in which she is quite, quite brilliant.Gender-Blender Name: Nearly all the girls in the sorority (Alex, Cotton, Hunter, Taylor even 'Brooke'.) The exceptions are the two outsiders, Molly and Becky.

#So undercover movie skin

Ditzy Cotton is a classic Dumb Blonde but Taylor is pretty vapid too and is a Raven Hair, Ivory Skin beauty while Sasha is as blonde as they come and pretty sharp.

so undercover movie

Cassandra Truth: Molly (as Brooke) is chatting with her roommate Becky about how they got into the sorority.Brainless Beauty: Dear God Cotton (though see Genius Ditz below)! Taylor has shades of this too, though not to the same extent.Big Bad Friend: Armon is really the Big Bad. 5.

so undercover movie

  • Becoming the Mask: Molly eventually becomes at least as interested in helping out her sorority as in protecting Alex.
  • As You Know: Done very awkwardly early in the movie when another character explains Molly's backstory.
  • So Undercover provides examples of the following tropes: Very much a Spiritual Successor to/ Younger and Hipper version of Miss Congeniality. Posing as 'Brooke', a rich girly girl Molly has stick close to the daughter of an important member of the Georgian mafia who has turned informant for the FBI. A tough, street-smart private eye is hired by the FBI to go undercover in a college sorority. Molly (Cyrus) is a young but streetwise private eye who an FBI agent (Piven) hires to go undercover at a college sorority. It stars Miley Cyrus, Jeremy Piven, Josh Bowman, Kelly Osbourne and Megan Park. So Undercover is a 2012 action-comedy film directed by Tom Vaughan and written by Allan Loeb and Steven Pearl.

    So undercover movie