The bottom line: As long as the coolant leak is relatively small, doesn't contaminate the oil and doesn't allow the engine to overheat, try the stop-leak product first. I've had remarkable luck stopping intake manifold gasket leaks with these products, but even if they don't work as a permanent fix, you can still have the lower intake manifold gasket replaced. While I tend to agree with your mechanic, although 200,000 miles might be a push, I would suggest trying a quality stop-leak product like Mendtite or SilverSeal added to the cooling system. Engine overheating or fluctuating coolant temperatures are also indicators of coolant loss.Įxternal coolant leaks can be identified by residual coolant odor after shutting down the engine, coolant smoke or steam wafting from the engine compartment or drips, puddles and stains on the garage floor. Pressure-testing the cooling system and starting a cold engine with the radiator cap off to see if coolant is immediately pumped out can also confirm a leaking cylinder head gasket. The smell of coolant and/or a whitish cloud of smoke from the exhaust at startup can be an indicator of coolant in the combustion chambers, which can be confirmed by a chemical test for exhaust hydrocarbons in the coolant. An increase in oil level or the bittersweet smell of ethylene glycol on the dipstick are solid evidence of a significant internal leak.

A visual inspection of the oil, oil dipstick, oil filler cap and PCV valve may show a white, milky film of homogenized oil and coolant. Relatively simple, inexpensive tests can identify specific internal coolant leaks. But any significant coolant consumption can strip oil from cylinder walls and etch or corrode aluminum pistons. doesn't sound so bad, right? In very small doses, it isn't. where it vaporizes and is carried out the exhaust. It doesn't take long for contaminated oil to destroy an engine.Ĭoolant leaking into the combustion chambers. Coolant mixed with oil is bad news because ethylene glycol doesn't work well as a lubricant. Do you agree? Should I spend the $800 to $1,000 for the intake fix, new plugs, and new wires?Ī Coolant leaking internally from the intake manifold gasket or cylinder head gasket can end up in one of two places: mixed with the engine oil or burned with the air-fuel mixture in the exhaust. The car has about 95,000 miles on it, but my mechanic says that with this fix, some new plugs, wires and regular maintenance, the car will go 200,000 miles easy. Is there a way to tell whether the leak is external or internal? If it's external, do I really need to fix it? My mechanic recommended that I get the leak fixed to avoid having the coolant mix with the oil. I have been told it is a slow leak from the intake gasket.

Recently I noticed that coolant is leaking. Q I have a 2002 Olds Alero with the V6 engine.